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Introducing: SonikBoom Productions

Thursday, June 18, 2009 , Posted by krushez at 6/18/2009 12:44:00 PM

SonikBoom Productions is a company hailing from Solomons, MD, but coming to you live from Baltimore. Helming the music production company is Cali, a woman too gifted to get anything less than your undivided attention, and a moment of your ear’s time. Our interview with Cali (below) should be of special interest to all of the jazz/smooth R&B artists and fans out there, if that’s not your taste, don’t be dissuaded, SonikBoom Productions has a little bit of everything for everyone.

EK: How long have you been in the music industry?
Depends on what part of the industry you’re talking about. Yes, I have jokes. As an artist producing music 2 years. As a musician, since I was 2.

EK: How would you define your style?
Jazzy, Urban, Fusion, Atmospheric, R&B, Ambient, with a touch of Neo-Soul (chords)

EK: What or Who inspires you to make music?
Cali: You know what? It’s in me. I’m been playing the keyboard and organ by ear, ever since I was 2. It has always been in me, I don’t know where it comes from, but I know how it got there. It’s a gift. We’re all born with a gift, mind just happens to be creating and playing music.

EK: Who are some of your influences?
Cali: Wow, Chick Corea, Blue Six, Acoustic Alchemy, Patti Austin, Phil Perry, Royksopp, EWF, ELO, The Rippingtons, The YellowJackets, Stevie Wonder, Najee, Norman Brown, Art of Noise, Ella Fitzgerald, George Duke, KEM, Musiq Soulchild, Lalah Hathaway, Queen, Quincy Jones, even Bach (Air to G).

EK: If you could work with any artist right now, who would it be and why.
Cali: Quincy Jones, Royksopp, or Lalah Hathaway. The reason is simple really. It combines Traditional, with the present along with technology. If you still don’t know what I mean, go listen to what they have done, and you will hear what I mean.

EK: Have you worked with other artists? If so, who was your fav and what was the song?
Cali: Unfortunately, no. Now, that’s not saying I’m not available and open to working with others. I’m always looking for serious minded people to collab.

EK: What is your objective in reference to music?
To create a euphoric mood with my sounds.

EK: Has your music changed since you first begin? If so, how?
Cali: Yes, oh yes. When I first started, my music was very dark. Industrial jungle, if you will. It was almost death like. When you would listen to it, it made you feel like doom and gloom, or hostile in some way shape or form. It just wasn’t me.

EK: Do you have a record label, or are you apart of any music groups?
No record label. I belong to no one but myself.

EK: Where have you performed?
I don’t perform, but I have gotten inquires about my tracks for use with groups that do perform. I don’t do shows.

EK: Do you have any upcoming releases?
Yes I do. The release of my debut CD “JazzticFusoAtmosphericology Vol 1., which is due for release in the Fall of 2009.

EK: What is 1 song you have, that you would like fans to base their opinion of you on?
Yes actually, my track called Right, Right (Instrumental Version). It’s very laid back, and the bongos will take you away.

EK: How can fans-to-be gain access to your music? Do you have a website?
Cali: Many ways, they can go to the website which is www.sonikboomproductions.com and click on the icons on the first page. Or that can go to www.reverbnation.com/sonikboomproductions, or www.myspace.com/sonikboomproductions .

EK: Is there anyone you would like to acknowledge?
Oh yeah, God, for giving me this gift (remember earlier I said I know where it came from?) My parents for putting me in front of the Keyboard and Organ when I was 2. My husband for his understanding about my late hours. LOL. My Best Friend Alunda for the encouragement to keep going. My Cousin Carroll, who critique every track I made. My extended family and acquaintances. My Twitter peeps, especially Yanadew and DiversEvents.

With life being so hectic, its hard to find the time to just chill, we strongly suggest you let SonikBoom Productions, be your oasis of serenity amidst the chaos...listening to Cali's creations, you dont have to worry about trying to find that time to chill...her music creates it...and it envelopes you. Remember to check out her website! And share your thoughts below.


Currently have 4 comments:

  1. Nikki says:

    Kz, you promised to give us something us grown folk would like..and u came through! My kids thank you...I was about lay some hands on them...came on your site, played that first song, right rigt, and messed around and forgot what I was upset about. This is good vibin music, I can get with this.

    Hope you had fun on your vacation...


  1. Anonymous says:

    Loved the interview and love the music more. I see that you don't stop till your mission is accomplished. Looks like your late hours will pay off.


  1. SpkTRUTH2Pwr says:

    I am loving this music! And a great interview too! Keep bringing us this good stuff :-)

  1. Krushez says:

    Nik....first off I had to lol @ your little story...and yes man! "Right Right" does make you de-stress...I swear you dont even know its happening, just sneaks up on you.  You definitely should check her out on Reverb Nation (link is in the post)...so that you can get a copy of her CD.

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