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Producer Spotlight: LexZyne Productions

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 , Posted by krushez at 10/21/2009 12:59:00 PM

LexZyne Productions is a 2-man production team made up of producers, Lex Luthor and Dyzne. This duo creates beats with samples from songs that most self proclaimed music lovers aren't even familiar with. Each beat is a celebration of the past and a nod to the future. The time they take to perfect their craft keeps the quality of music that these two produce 'elevated', and after listening to their forever expanding catalogue, you will have no choice but to agree!

Open To Work With Artists:
I use mainly software music programs like FLStudio 8,9, Reason 4, and Sony Vegas.. I have an MPD( a usb version of a MPC) that I also use
Yes and No… I put my soul into my production and I expect the same from an artist

Lex Luthor:
Yes ;) I have equipment
Lex Luthor:
I'm open to work with any artist that has some substance in their music. I won't hesitate to say "no" to someone that throws words over a beat that don't speak to me. The level of artist doesn't really matter. We work with major, as well as indie artists. I can lie, we have a few people that get beats for free, but I charge a SMALL fee for the beats I construct.

As far as their influences go, "I enjoy finding a way to bridge the gap between my parent's generation and my generation." said Dzyne. He is also "extremely influenced by the music" he samples, ranging anywhere between "Journey and Hall and Oates, to The O'Jay's and The Delfonics".

Lex Luthor takes his inspiration from daily life, everything that he sees and hears, as well as his brother, Dzyne. After him, he says, "Premiere is probably one of my biggest production influences followed by 9th wonder".

During their work the duo has acquired a lot of affiliations, stating that "we feel if you use or have used any of our beats, we are affiliated with you". They are also a part of several crews including: BoyEarly Productions, F.A.I.M.ous Beats, Tha Organization, Geak Skwad, and Team Triumph to mention a few.

Lex, who describes himself as "an extra terrestrial that resides on earth that wants to affect the world with good music" loves the "in the background" comfort that being a producer brings, admitting that he "loves to be heard and not so much seen". Just consider them both "the Chad's of the group". For the hip-hop newbies, Chad is a member of the production group, The Neptunes, who for most part prefers to remain in the background.

EK: What made you start producing?

I started out as an artist first. I could not find the sound I wanted and producers were charging entirely too much money…so I decided to learn how to produce…so I didn't have to depend on anyone else

Lex Luthor:
Dzyne caused me to take it seriously.

EK: How did you two come together?

It was chance and fate. We were introduced by a family member who was really close to both of us. He introduced us and the rest is being written as we go.

It was my cousin Leandre "PC" McCoy… He told me that he found an emcee who was better than me … and that he was family… we got on the phone and start basically battling with punch lines…and somehow instead of becoming a rap group we became a production company

EK: And how does that work? Do you collaborate on a beat, or you individually make beats and then come together?

We make beats individually. We started out using the exact same sample to make two separate tracks. He would do his thing, and I would do my thing, then we would release them both. They produce two different sounds but great feels. We DO give suggestions to each other, but whether we listen or not is a different stor

EK: So, you "proof" each other's work to maintain a certain level of quality?

Dzyne: Yes, we are very hard on each other… if a snare is being used too often…or a bass line is out of key…we tell the other...no slacking…

Lex:We listen and if something sounds off, we say it. We both demand quality from ourselves so that's not an issue.

EK: You both have several songs I really like, but let me ask you individually, how you thought of those samples you used. I mean do you go browsing through old music and wait until something sticks out, or do you walk in with it already in your head?

Dzyne: On "If you were here tonight" 

With this sample, I wanted to make something that had the soul of LexZyne production, however the sound of radio. When I came across the sample it stuck out because I noticed many of the words didn't rhyme, which is perfect for vocal chopping. I then researched it and found that it was a hit in the UK but never in the United States, so I knew it would be easier to clear. Many people don't know who Alexander O'Neal is...lol

Lex: On, "The Introduction"

e do a combination of both. For the most part though, I like diggin' for golden tracks. Nothing feels better than finding that one track where everything just "fits". 'The Introduction' was a result of digging. It just jumped out of the speakers when I played it. After I was done with it I felt proud of it. It lay dormant for a long period of time because at that time no one was really fucking with us like that. A few months down the road that commercial came out. Go to http://www.lexzyne.com/ to listen to 'The Introduction' and you will know what commercial I'm talking about. I was salty about it at first, but then I just let it go.

EK: How long does it take on average for you to create a beat?

Each one is different. Some just work right away and don't take too much time, while some take quite a while. In other words I can't really tell you. You wouldn't believe me either way.

I agree with Lex… Some beats are made before I chop the sample while others take weeks…sometimes months to piece together…

EK: How do artists or fans get in touch with you?


beats@lexzyne.com , dzyne@lexzyne.com , lexluthor@lexzyne.com

Twitter: @Dzyne_BoyEarly; @LexZyne




EK: What do us fans have to look to forward to?

We have many projects that feature our instrumentals coming in the 4th quarter of 2009 and many more in 2010. The upcoming projects that have the "TRUE" LexZyne stamp however include Brown Baby by LifeUnda, Innovative 2 by Radamez, and The Opening Act by Johnny Flow. Projects that are currently out with major production from us are Inauguration by LifeUnda, Pistol P Street by Street Ranga, and C.P.R. (Conveying Personal Reflections) by Dzyne (myself).

EK: Any "Thank Yous"?

Thank yous are overrated…but mainly God… shout outs to Seany D and Concrete Beats, Ahbyans Records, and everyone supporting Good Music.

Lex:This is the perfect opportunity to name drop, but no. If you are reading this, we want to work with YOU too. I want to thank everybody listening and the people that have been down from jump street; they already know!

EK: Last Words?

We don't claim to be the best… but we offer our souls on these beats… for little to nothing…so there is no excuse for not at least taking time to check out our catalog. God Bless

Lex Luthor:
All I really want to say is please just listen, and thank you GOD!
http://www.lexzyne.com/! Leave a comment below!

I seriously don't think I could write anything to top their last words, so I will exit on that note. Remember to check out LexZyne Productions catalogue at http://www.lexzyne.com/.

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