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Producer Spotlight: The Collab Lab

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 , Posted by krushez at 10/20/2009 05:28:00 PM

This is our 2nd interview with The Collab Lab, formerly known as SonikBoom Productions. During the first interview we introduced you to the woman behind the company, Cali. Well, she is back not only with a new company, but also with new music. The sound is a smidge different, but the high quality you've come to depend on is there. Still steep in the groove of the grown and sexy, her style has found a hip-hop edge, and opened itself up to a whole different branch of fans. 

Ableton Live 8.04 w/ Live Instruments, ProTools-M 7.4, M-Audio Fast Track Pro, M-Audio Fast Track USB, M-Audio ProKeys SX, M-Audio Axiom 25, KRK Rokit 8's, KRK Rokit 10S, Berhringer BCF2000, Mackie CFX20 mkII Mixer
Open to Work with Artists:
Yes (hence the new name The Collab Lab)

EK: What led to the name change?

TCL: The business has changed. I no longer have a business partner, so I had to change the business model from front to back, including name, logo, website, you name it. What a pain in my butt. LOL

EK: Your sound often takes many forms. 

TCL: I still have a jazzy sound, but it seems to be gravitating towards R&B and Hip-Hop, which is not a bad thing at all. 

EK: Last time we spoke you were working on "JazzticFusoAtmosphericology Vol 1". Any new info on the project?

TCL: I'm glad you asked that. Because of the split with my business partner, the album has been pushed back. I am now working with a new songwriter/artist – Reese Gamble on the new titled debut album – Collaboration Vol 1. There should be 6 songs on it. (yes, it's tiny)

EK: I love the Intro song, specifically the sample you used. 

TCL: I wish I knew which movie, but I'm glad you like it. I bet you know why I used it huh? There's a message behind it.

EK: Speaking of which, as a woman producer, have you noticed artists or fans react to you differently than you think they would a man?

TCL: Oh Yes, fans are supportive and surprised in knowing that I'm a woman producer, and I love them all for the feedback. Artists and other producers act differently, when approached online, they have no idea I'm a woman, until I tell them. I did have someone tell me that it's very sexiest in the music industry. I guess as long as a woman is shaking her butt, then she can get a cut. But God forbid if you try to produce something, and kick it up a notch. I guess woman are not suppose to be mechanically inclined or tech savvy, especially with all the new programs, and gear out here. Hello, remember what James Brown said, "This is a man's world, but it wouldn't be nothing without a woman or a girl." The truth of the matter is woman get no respect when it come to doing what I do. No one wants to really work with us.

EK: Just in case people forgot where can artists or fans find you and your music?

TCL: You can find my music at www.thecollab-lab.com or www.reverbnation.com/thecollablab but 2 singles will be on iTunes real soon, like within weeks.

EK: Message to the people?

TCL: Always follow your dreams, it doesn't matter how old you are either. 

EK: What's going on in terms of upcoming projects and/or acknowledgements?

TCL:  I would like to dedicate this first album to my brother, who passed away this year, miss you big brother. Right now I'm working on material for upcoming albums. I have enough music to put out several, and I many several albums. I'm currently working on a project with Reese Gamble.  

I would like to thank God for my talent that I've had since I was 2 ½ years old. I'm not gonna name everyone, but thanks to my family (Dad, and my Husband) for being patience through all of this, Carroll Johnson (CJ) (advisor), Reese Gamble (songwriter/artist), Eardrum Krushez, Alunda Smith (advisor), and Beverly Evans (advisor) for helping me with the upcoming album.

Make sure to look out for Collaboration Vol. 1 coming out in 2010, and the singles that will hit I-Tunes soon! With big things in the plans and new opportunities arising daily indie artists do well do get with The Collab Lab, while the opportunity is still there. For a list of the upcoming producers for the week, check out this page.


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